Dennis Kleidon Studios
Buy a Painting
Paintings can be ordered directly from the artist or through any of the galleries which can also provide installation and curation services. Order a Book Unleash Your Imagination, published by River Grove Books, can be ordered through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other booksellers. Contact Kleidon To arrange an art exhibit, speaking engagement or personal appearance, contact Dennis Kleidon at 330-329-7408 or at [email protected]. |
Represented by
Walter Wickiser Gallery
375 South End Avenue, 6M New York, New York 10280 212-945-0711 [email protected] Art Space 349 Gallery 73-130 El Paseo Palm Desert, California 92260 760-571-3493 [email protected] Xanadu Gallery (Represented in Catalog) 7039 E. Main Street #101 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 480-368-9929 |